Oct. 31, 2023

S5, Ep 131: David Blinken of North Flats Guiding

On this episode, I am joined by saltwater guide David Blinken.  David shares his journey to the salt, his fishery off of Long Island and some of the challenges it is facing today.  Thanks to our friends at Norvise for sponsoring the episode!

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Helpful Episode Chapters

00:00:00 Introduction

00:03:07 Learning from Guide Experience and Feedback

00:08:06 Gratification and Joy in Making People Happy Through Fishing

00:11:51 Desire to Become a Guide and Share the Experience

00:18:21 Lack of Transparency and Guidance in the Workplace

00:22:05 Failing Quickly and Bouncing Back

00:26:06 Intense Fishing Experience: Adrenaline Rush and Excitement

00:27:25 Freshwater Fishing Etiquette vs. Saltwater Freedom

00:30:50 Expertise in Chasing Fish on the Flats

00:33:26 Taking the Time to Appreciate the Experience

00:40:27 A Day in the Life of a Fishing Guide

00:47:42 The Different Types of Fishing

00:57:33 Conservation and Fishery Management Issues

01:02:04 The Complexity of Fisheries Management

01:02:37 Desire for Striped Bass vs. Sacrifices and Restrictions

01:03:37 The Impact of Not Heeding Warning Signs

01:07:57 Catch and Release: Respecting the Resource

01:10:59 GotOne App

David Blinken Profile Photo

David Blinken


David Blinken owner and guide has taken the time to observe the environment in which he guides, and he sees things that others might not, this ability is what separates him from the pack. His clients benefit from this, which allows David to provide them with an experience that they can take home and remember until their next trip.

North flats began as an idea in David’s discussions with friends, “why get trapped in an office” they used to tell him, you need to explore and make your passion your business.

Davids’s passion and desire are what allows him to give people a lasting and fun experience that not only connects them with fish but to the environment in which they live. This not only gives his clients a better understanding of where to find the fish but also a better appreciation of their environment and how to preserve the very thing they love, flyfishing

There is not just great fishing to experience but a passion that brings people together, which is why people keep coming back year after year.