S6, Ep 118: Central PA Fall Fishing Report: George Costa's Tips and Tactics
In this episode of The Articulate Fly, host Marvin Cash brings us the latest Central PA Fishing Report with George Costa from TCO Fly Shop in State College. As fall settles in, George shares the exciting news about the current fishing conditions, with stream levels at or above average, and a vibrant mix of olives, isos, and October caddis making their appearance. Terrestrials like ants, beetles and crickets are also proving effective as the weather warms up.
George provides valuable tips on spotting redds, those clear, polished rock formations in streams where fish spawn, and emphasizes the importance of avoiding them to protect the trout eggs. With fall fishing in full swing, George also mentions the upcoming Steelhead Brew & Bugs event on October 17th, featuring Steelhead Steve at Axmann Brewing. It's a perfect opportunity to learn about tying effective steelhead flies.
Listeners are encouraged to send in their questions for a chance to win some Articulate Fly swag and enter a drawing for shop prizes. George also highlights some great sales on last season's gear and waders at TCO Fly Shop.
Don't miss out on the chance to enjoy the fall fishing season in Central PA. Tight lines!
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Marvin Cash
Hey, folks, it's Marvin Cash, the host of the articulate fly.
Marvin Cash
We're back with another central PA fishing report with George Costa, Tco fly shop in state College.
Marvin Cash
George, how are you?
George Costa
I'm amazing as always, Marvin.
George Costa
How are you?
Marvin Cash
And as always, I'm just trying to stay out of trouble and as I always do, took a quick look at your weather and, you know, you are in the official fall groove in central.
Marvin Cash
George Costa
We are indeed.
George Costa
The leaves are turning and falling.
George Costa
We've got some nice cool weather.
George Costa
We just had a good amount of rain up here.
George Costa
Not as much as those poor folks down south, but our stream levels are really good right now.
George Costa
We are at average or a little above.
George Costa
Everything's got a little bit of color to it and flows have been pretty good.
George Costa
Fishing has definitely picked up.
George Costa
I got out a couple of days ago and the nymphing was great.
George Costa
Streamer bite is starting to pick up.
George Costa
We're seeing some olives, we're seeing isos, we're seeing October cattus.
George Costa
We got a little shot of sun again, which is nice.
George Costa
So terrestrials should be working pretty good.
George Costa
Ants, beetles, crickets, things like that.
George Costa
Got a little bit of the warmer, sunny weather, bring them out.
George Costa
So fall fishing is really picking up well and might be time to start looking for reds in the next couple of weeks.
George Costa
Usually spring creek, we start seeing them by mid October.
George Costa
So keep your eyes peeled for fish that are going to start spawning.
George Costa
And we got a couple nice ones on streamers of the day that we're definitely getting their fall colors on.
George Costa
So fall is here.
Marvin Cash
Marvin Cash
And so for folks, you know, we'll.
Marvin Cash
We're going to beat this to death over probably the next four to six weeks.
Marvin Cash
But you know, you can recognize those reds because it literally looks like somebody went out and swept a perfect little nice circle in the bottom of the stream bed.
George Costa
Yeah, for sure.
George Costa
You know, not necessarily a circle, but it looks like a bunch of cleared, polished rocks.
George Costa
That's what you want to look out for.
Marvin Cash
Yeah, don't tread on the reds, right, exactly, exactly.
Marvin Cash
And so of course, as it gets colder, it also means good drinking weather.
Marvin Cash
You might have a brewing bugs event coming up too, right?
George Costa
We do indeed.
George Costa
We've got our steelhead brewing bugs coming up on the 17 October with our very own steelhead, Steve.
George Costa
He's a outstanding steelhead fisherman.
George Costa
Ties to mean flies.
George Costa
So it's at Axman Brewery six to eight on Thursday, the 17 October.
George Costa
So if you're around that, you want to learn how to pass some really good steelhead flies I recommend signing up for that, Evan.
Marvin Cash
Yeah, there you go.
Marvin Cash
And you know, folks, we love questions on the articulate fly.
Marvin Cash
And I had to talk to George for a half an hour before we started recording because he was crying because we didn't have a question.
Marvin Cash
So send us your questions and, you know, if we use your question, I'll send you some articulate fly swag, and you're getting in a cool drawing for some stuff at the shop at the end of the season.
Marvin Cash
And George, I imagine, too, heading into fall, maybe.
Marvin Cash
You know, you definitely prime in the pump for classes and time classes.
Marvin Cash
But you might have a sale or two as well, right?
Marvin Cash
George Costa
We got a bunch of stuff on sale right now.
George Costa
All last season stuff is on sale.
George Costa
We got a ton of stuff on our website.
George Costa
Some good wader sales going on right now.
George Costa
So check out tcoflyfishing.com for all our sales stuff and hope to see you guys out on the water soon.
Marvin Cash
Yeah, and I don't want to steal your thunder.
Marvin Cash
You want to give us shop hours and all that kind of good stuff?
George Costa
George Costa
Nine to six, Monday through Saturday here in State College.
George Costa
09:00 03:00 on Sundays.
George Costa
All our other stores have similar hours.
George Costa
So come down and we'll see you.
Marvin Cash
Well, there you go.
Marvin Cash
Well, folks, as I always say, you owe it to yourself to get out there and catch a few.
Marvin Cash
Tight lines, everybody.
Marvin Cash
Tight lines.
Marvin Cash
George, take it easy, Mark.