Marvin Cash is joined by Brendan Ruch to discuss the current smallmouth fishing conditions in Pennsylvania as the season transitions into fall. Brendan shares insights about the recent bump in water levels that has improved fishing conditions, leading to a brief pre-spawn-like feeding frenzy. As the weather cools and water clarity increases, Brendan emphasizes the importance of adjusting tackle setups, including using longer leaders and smaller flies to adapt to the clearer water. He also discusses the significance of fly material selection for minimizing noise upon landing, which can be crucial for enticing fish in clear conditions. The conversation wraps up with some light-hearted banter and Brendan's plans for future fishing trips, including potential striper stories from the Jersey Shore.
To learn more about Brendan, check out our interview.
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Marvin Cash
Hey, folks, it's Marvin Cash, the host of the articulate fly.
Marvin Cash
And we're back with another ruche report with the man himself, Brendan Roosch.
Marvin Cash
Brendan, how are you doing?
Brendan Roosch
Well, Marvin, sitting at a boat ram parking lot on the side of a highway.
Brendan Roosch
Couldn't be any better.
Brendan Roosch
How are you doing?
Marvin Cash
I'm doing well.
Marvin Cash
At least the sun hasn't gone down.
Marvin Cash
That makes it a little bit better, right?
Marvin Cash
Oh, yeah, yeah.
Brendan Roosch
So good to see the changing leaves.
Marvin Cash
Yeah, there you go.
Marvin Cash
And so, you know, it's funny, since the last time we spoke, you know, you are definitely kind of cooling off and getting into kind of technical fall fishing in your neck of the woods.
Marvin Cash
What are you seeing on the water?
Brendan Roosch
Uh, last week, we had a pretty sweet bump of water that gave us some more grass, like we've been talking about.
Brendan Roosch
But, uh, fish were eating, like, pre spawn for a few days, and it was, it was pretty nuts.
Brendan Roosch
Um, so it was fortunate to experience that.
Brendan Roosch
And I.
Brendan Roosch
Now we're kind of leveling out, and we'll start dropping again in a couple days here.
Brendan Roosch
And the clearer water and the much cooler nights, I think we're going to be experiencing, like, an afternoon bite window, kind of right around when you want to grab for your sandwich.
Brendan Roosch
But, yeah, fish should be potting up a little bit heavier, and you want to pause your.
Brendan Roosch
Pause your streamers a little bit longer than you have been.
Marvin Cash
Got it.
Marvin Cash
And, you know, to deal with the clear water, kind of.
Marvin Cash
How do you handle that from kind of a tackle setup, but also an approach setup.
Brendan Roosch
All, I mean, all you can do is longer leaders, longer casts.
Brendan Roosch
But it's not going to be.
Brendan Roosch
I mean, hopefully, it's not going to be like, super low and clear.
Brendan Roosch
It's at a good average flow right now pretty much everywhere around here, so.
Brendan Roosch
But, yeah, so we're going to be clear tip lines until those things are just too coily.
Brendan Roosch
But that gives you an advantage as well.
Brendan Roosch
Um, extend those leaders a little bit.
Brendan Roosch
Kind of just maintain the same nine footers I've been running all summer.
Brendan Roosch
And then, uh, yeah, keep the, keep the fry smaller.
Brendan Roosch
Talking sub four inches.
Brendan Roosch
And, uh, on the, on the gear side of things, the two and a half inch, 2.8 inch swim baits.
Brendan Roosch
Ned ridge down the bottom fly is going to be throwing some flashy stuff.
Brendan Roosch
If they're not responding to the flashy stuff, like the garbage, then going to some small finesse changers.
Brendan Roosch
And if that's not producing and they don't want to chase it all, then we're going conehead or lead eye flies.
Marvin Cash
Got it.
Marvin Cash
And so, you know, on the streamers, I know smaller.
Marvin Cash
Do you also maybe change the material so you have stuff that's just not going splat on the water when you cast it?
Brendan Roosch
Yeah, I definitely think flies with buck kale.
Brendan Roosch
Like when it comes to low water, the merch minnow is so good because it lands so softly.
Brendan Roosch
Those flies that have a lot more material, especially palmer material that absorbs or doesn't absorb water but it holds water, um, like in between the fibers that's generally going to slap a lot harder if you don't give the fly time to drain.
Brendan Roosch
Um, so yeah, fox.
Brendan Roosch
But you can fish a six inch foxy changer in super clear water because that thing's not going to make a sound when it hits.
Brendan Roosch
Um, whereas a craft fair changer is going to spook a fish in a 30 foot radius.
Brendan Roosch
So, yeah, that's, that's a good question.
Brendan Roosch
Material selection definitely is important when you're, when you're fishing clearer water.
Marvin Cash
Got it.
Marvin Cash
And got a, got a question on the lighter side of things from Frank.
Marvin Cash
He wanted to get your thoughts on the best brand of hair clipper for trimming a doodle.
Brendan Roosch
You know, I'm, I'm going to go with the Phillips Norelco.
Brendan Roosch
I've been to, been working on my own hair, you know, buzzing, buzzing the old head for almost a year now.
Brendan Roosch
And for avid his doodle that he's referring to, I think that would be an appropriate fit.
Brendan Roosch
They got a hard time cutting all his hair at once, so he, a little bit of a patchwork style going on.
Brendan Roosch
But it's a great look for him and I think he's a good looking dog.
Marvin Cash
Yeah, I thought maybe there's a tying story in there somewhere.
Brendan Roosch
Well that's, I mean he's a black doodle, so that's where most of Frank's night flies come from.
Marvin Cash
Master splinter with labradoodle.
Brendan Roosch
Yeah, he's got mostly doodle hair veiling, finesse, chenille.
Brendan Roosch
That's most of his flies right there.
Brendan Roosch
Maybe a deer hair head.
Marvin Cash
Marvin Cash
That's an interesting take on the veil and support system.
Brendan Roosch
Marvin Cash
So you know folks, we love questions on the articulate fly.
Marvin Cash
Uh, you can dm me on social media, you can email me whatever's easiest for you.
Marvin Cash
And if we use your question, I will send you some articulate fly swag.
Marvin Cash
And then there's an awesome swag pack from Brennan where you're gonna get, you know, rouge, angling stuff.
Marvin Cash
You're gonna get log jam stuff.
Marvin Cash
And house fly stuff.
Marvin Cash
And, uh, Brendan is always, do, uh, you want to let folks know where they can find you so they can get in the boat with you?
Marvin Cash
Uh, I don't know.
Marvin Cash
Marvin Cash
Got a, I don't know what, two or three weeks left of, you know, smallmouth before you probably shift over to Muskie.
Brendan Roosch
Yeah, yeah, it won't be long now until bass are a little too potted up to warrant going out in the drift boat, but, yeah, you can reach me at Brendan Roosh on Instagram,, and ruch angling on Facebook.
Marvin Cash
Marvin Cash
And are you already booking your musky days?
Brendan Roosch
Brendan Roosch
Brendan Roosch
A little bit of side work involved in there as well, but, uh, yeah, mosquitoes in Pa as of right now.
Marvin Cash
Marvin Cash
And so also, too, as I always ask you, you know, where can your drawing fans find you on the road?
Marvin Cash
You know, see you get another prison tattoo, all that kind of good stuff.
Brendan Roosch
Uh, as of right now, staying, staying local.
Brendan Roosch
Gonna hit.
Brendan Roosch
Gonna hit jersey next week before we talk again.
Brendan Roosch
Hopefully have some striper stories on the next cast.
Brendan Roosch
Yeah, you know, pa, Ohio for some.
Brendan Roosch
Some free time.
Marvin Cash
Marvin Cash
And, you know, for the holiday season, folks.
Marvin Cash
Remember, you know, organic pineapple and pecans, one of Brendan's favorites.
Marvin Cash
So, you know, if you need to get him something for Christmas, hook him up there.
Brendan Roosch
Yeah, the freeze dried pineapple killer.
Marvin Cash
Yeah, you need to go to costco.
Marvin Cash
Well, folks, is I always say yo, it to yourself to get out there and catch a few tight lines, everybody.
Marvin Cash
Tight lines, Brendan.
Brendan Roosch
Take care, everyone.
Brendan Roosch
Thanks, Margaret.