Dec. 20, 2024

S6, Ep 149: Central PA Fishing Report: Winter Strategies and Stream Choices

In this episode of The Articulate Fly, host Marvin Cash connects with George Costa from TCO Fly Shop for the final Central PA Fishing Report of the year. As winter takes hold, George shares insights into current water conditions, with temperatures dropping into the low to mid-40s. He discusses the transition of fish into deeper, slower waters post-spawn and the effectiveness of slow nymphing and streamer fishing during this period.

The conversation touches on the impact of a recent cold snap on Steelhead Alley, where fishing conditions have been challenging due to ice and snow. George offers advice on selecting streams in Central PA, emphasizing the importance of experience and personal preference, whether you're after numbers or size.

Listeners are encouraged to send in questions, with a chance to win Articulate Fly swag and enter a drawing. As the holiday season approaches, George highlights TCO Fly Shop's winter classes and sales, inviting anglers to brush up on their skills. Marvin and George extend warm holiday wishes to all, reminding everyone to enjoy the festive season and look forward to more fishing adventures in the New Year.

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Marvin Cash

Hey folks, it's Marvin Cash, the host of the Articulate Fly.

Marvin Cash

We're back with our final Central PA fishing report of the year with George Costa of TCO Fly Shop in State College.

Marvin Cash

George, how are you?

George Costa

I'm amazing as always.

George Costa

Marvin, how are you?

Marvin Cash

I'm curious, did anyone come in after our last report looking for the Jaeger luge?

George Costa

They did and we had quite a party.

George Costa

It was a hootenanny, shall we say.

Marvin Cash

There you go.

Marvin Cash

So, you know, you're kind of, you know, getting into the teeth of wintertime in Central pa.

Marvin Cash

Where are you seeing on the water?

George Costa

Well, the water definitely with the snow we had earlier in the week and rain and the snow melt water temps are low.

George Costa

They have definitely dropped down quite a bit.

George Costa

So you know, just about everything other than where some springs are popping up is in the low to mid-40s right now.

George Costa

So what we're seeing is a lot of fish make that transition into that slower, deeper water.

George Costa

We're pretty much in post spawn right now.

George Costa

There's maybe a handful of fish here and there still spawning, but the majority of them are done still.

George Costa

Be mindful of redds.

George Costa

Don't walk on those fresh eggs.

George Costa

But fish definitely have transitioned to that slower water.

George Costa

So slow and low with nymphs has really been the ticket lately.

George Costa

Fish are moving for streamers.

George Costa

So everything around here right now is average or above little J Pens Fishing creek definitely have good color springs running a little lower and a little.

George Costa

So streamers have been definitely moving.

George Costa

Fish weather coming up.

George Costa

We've got another cold snap coming over this weekend here going into the holidays.

George Costa

So if you're going to get out on the water, bundle up, maybe run some of those Euro rods or mono rigs just to keep the ice off the guides and fish slow, deep and you know, take your time and really pick apart that water because fish are not moving that much to grab stuff.

Marvin Cash

Yeah, and you were telling me too that kind of this cold blast is kind of wrecked the, the fishing on Steelhead Alley a little bit.

George Costa

Yeah, we got some reports yesterday from one of our guys that's up there steelheading all the time that it's been a hot mess up there.

George Costa

There's been ice, snow been blown out.

George Costa

So steelhead fishing has been sporting in the past week or so and hopefully they get it cleared up there a little bit and guys can get out and fish for those steelhead.

George Costa

But it's not been amazing from what I've heard up there on the alley.

George Costa

Just conditions have been rough.

Marvin Cash

Yeah, got a Question for you, too, from Daniel.

Marvin Cash

And, you know, being in the cradle of Pennsylvania fly fishing in Central pa, you got a lot of options.

Marvin Cash

And so Daniel wanted to kind of get your thoughts on, like, how do you pick streams when there's so many to choose from?

George Costa

Ooh, option anxiety.

George Costa

I like that.

George Costa

That happens a lot.

George Costa

I mean, there's so much water up here, and there's better water.

George Costa

There's great water.

George Costa

It really depends on what you're after.

George Costa

Some of the streams that are more productive, they will often, you know, give you the numbers of fish.

George Costa

Some of the streams that are not as productive will sometimes give you better size fish.

George Costa

So it really depends on what you're after.

George Costa

If you want to, you know, get a couple of fish, you're gonna head over to Spring Creek.

George Costa

If you want a chance at getting, you know, a bigger fish, you might head over to Penn's or some of the other streams around here.

George Costa

So, I mean, picking the water, I mean, there's.

George Costa

There's really, you know, picking the best spot comes from experience.

George Costa

It comes from coming in the shop and asking.

George Costa

For the most part, most of our streams fish pretty much the same condition.

George Costa

You know, there's not.

George Costa

It's not like we're 100 miles away from one stream or another.

George Costa

If, you know, it rains on pens, odds are it's probably going to have rained on Spring and J2 for the most part.

George Costa

So really, I mean, picking a stream, you know, just, you got to get out and you got to see what you like.

George Costa

Some people prefer those numbers of fish, some people prefer looking for those bigger ones.

George Costa

Best way to do it is just kind of get out and do it.

George Costa

Really isn't a good answer that other than just get out, experience it, you know, find what you like, and go for it.

Marvin Cash


Marvin Cash

Is it true, too, that the more stuff you buy in a fly shop, the better information you get?

George Costa


George Costa

And if there's BlackBerry Brandy involved, you get the good information.

Marvin Cash

Yeah, we'll see.

Marvin Cash

So, Daniel, now you got the complete hookup package, right there it is, yeah.

Marvin Cash

And you know, folks, as I always say, we love questions on the articulate fly.

Marvin Cash

You can email me or DM me on social media, whatever is easiest for you.

Marvin Cash

And if we use your question, I will send you some articulate fly swag, an interview in a drawing.

Marvin Cash

And we're actually going to draw for the 2024 questions on the next fishing report, which will be in the middle of January, 2025, folks.

Marvin Cash

So stay tuned.

Marvin Cash

And you know, George, before I let you Go.

Marvin Cash

I'm sure that you're in the home stretch of the holiday season at tco.

Marvin Cash

You want to let folks know shop hours, locations, specials, classes, and all that kind of good stuff?

George Costa


George Costa

All of our shops have a ton of classes coming up for the winter season.

George Costa

So check out our website, tco fly under the Education class tab.

George Costa

And if you're looking to brush up on any tying skills or anything like that, sign up for one of our classes.

George Costa

We still got a bunch of good stuff on sale.

George Costa

We got a couple more sales coming up in the next couple of weeks, so keep an eye on that on our website.

George Costa

Here in State College, we're open 9 to 6 Monday through Saturday, 9 to 3 on Sunday.

George Costa

All of our stores will be closed for Christmas Day, New Year's day.

George Costa

And check out any of our locations elsewhere as well.

George Costa

We'll see out on the water soon.

Marvin Cash

Yeah, there you go.

Marvin Cash

And is it true that your nunchuck skills class is full?

George Costa

Ooh, I didn't know I was teaching one.

George Costa

I better brush up.

Marvin Cash

Yeah, you know, absolutely.

Marvin Cash

You have to brush up, dude.

Marvin Cash

It's always a great day when I get to work in Napoleon Dynamite.

George Costa

That's true.

Marvin Cash

Well, listen, folks, as I always say, you owe it to yourself to get on the water.

Marvin Cash

But I also want to wish everyone a Merry Christmas and a happy New Year.

Marvin Cash

Merry Christmas.

Marvin Cash

And Happy New Year, George.

George Costa

Thanks, Marvin.

George Costa

Happy holidays to everybody out there.

Marvin Cash

Tight lines, everybody.