April 6, 2024

S6, Ep 35: George Costa's Easter Treats and Stream Beats in State College

Join host Marvin Cash as he checks in with George Costa of TCO Fly Shop in State College for the latest central PA fishing scoop on The Articulate Fly. George, brimming with post-Easter candy enthusiasm, shares the challenging conditions anglers face with streams at or above flood stage. Despite the deluge, there's an undercurrent of optimism as they anticipate the return of good hatches, with olives and grannoms making strong appearances before the rains.

George predicts a potential for streamer action by late weekend, with hopes for dry fly activity as the weather warms up in the coming week. The conversation then flows into shop talk, highlighting new inventory ready for spring, including exciting fly patterns, the latest Scott rods and the new Grundens wader line-up.

For those bitten by the fly fishing bug or just "fly curious," George points out TCO's educational offerings, from beginner to advanced classes, perfect for expanding your angling horizons. And remember, questions are always welcome on The Articulate Fly; send them in for a chance to win some swag and get entered into a drawing for cool shop gear.

So, as the waters recede, gear up for the season's opportunities. Stay tuned, stay prepared and, as always, tight lines!

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Marvin Cash:

Hey, folks, it's Marvin Cash, the host of the articulate fly. And we're

Marvin Cash:

back with another central PA fishing report with George Costa from

Marvin Cash:

TcO fly shop in state college. How are you, George?

George Costa:

I am amazing as always, Marvin. How are you?

Marvin Cash:

Uh, you sound super excited. Did you get a lot of cool stuff in your Easter

Marvin Cash:


George Costa:

I did. I got some Cadbury eggs

George Costa:

and I got some peep and all sorts of

George Costa:

teeth rotting stuff.

Marvin Cash:

It was delicious. Awesome. What color peeps?

George Costa:

The yellow.

Marvin Cash:

That's the only true color.

George Costa:

Everyone knows that.

Marvin Cash:

You didn't do pink or lavender?

George Costa:

No, no, just the yellow ones. I like the standard yellow

George Costa:


Marvin Cash:

And you strike me as an artisanal jellybean.

George Costa:

Dude, that's too much for me. That's too much

George Costa:


Marvin Cash:

Well, uh, you know, it may deal.

George Costa:

With those popcorn flavored jelly beans. That's too much for my mind to

George Costa:


Marvin Cash:

Uh, where you have to literally, it's like harder than, like,

Marvin Cash:

identifying dry flies and spinners that have to lay the chart

Marvin Cash:

out and, like, color match them crew exactly.

George Costa:

I don't have that kind of time.

Marvin Cash:

Yeah, so although you do have some time,

Marvin Cash:

I, uh, looked at your weather and I mean, you know, east coast, we've gotten

Marvin Cash:

ripped with a ton of rain lately.

George Costa:

It is a h o t m m e

George Costa:

s s right now. We just about most of our

George Costa:

streams are at flood stage or above flood stage in the

George Costa:

past 24, 48 hours. Um, so

George Costa:

we have trash conditions right now.

George Costa:

Um, I just look, this morning took a little bit of a

George Costa:

little drive by the stream. Spring Creek is mess right

George Costa:

now. Little J is back below flood stage.

George Costa:

So it's, um, just gross, disgusting

George Costa:

water. Um, so for the foreseeable future,

George Costa:

I think that spring creek might be back into shape

George Costa:

by late this weekend. And by late, I'm talking

George Costa:

late Saturday, Sunday at the

George Costa:

earliest. Um, little juniata

George Costa:

pens. Um, is definitely going to be a little

George Costa:

later than now. We're looking maybe early next week, Monday,

George Costa:

Tuesday. Barring any more precipitation and

George Costa:

the trees doing their job and soaking up some of this water,

George Costa:

um, um, definitely going to be a few days till we can get back on the water.

George Costa:

Um, um, we. Before all this rain, we were really starting to

George Costa:

see some good bugs. Olives have been strong,

George Costa:

granums have been good on spring. And, uh, um, who knows what

George Costa:

this high water is going to do for the granums on the j and

George Costa:

pens. Uh, um, but I think that hopefully by

George Costa:

mid next week we should really start seeing these bugs

George Costa:

just blow up. We are supposed to get cold the next couple days.

George Costa:

But then we got a nice warm up spell coming, so

George Costa:

catch me next week, if I can, an accurate idea

George Costa:

of what's going on. But spring is here. We just got to get through this

George Costa:

high water and cold event and, um, um, just to get us over the

George Costa:


Marvin Cash:

Yeah, sounds like streamer fishing. Sunday,

Marvin Cash:

Monday, and then, you know, fingers crossed for dry

Marvin Cash:

fly activity on maybe Wednesday, Thursday, next week.

George Costa:

Yeah, we just got to see how everything comes back into shape. I don't

George Costa:

see much precipitation, uh, uh, in the next couple of days, we

George Costa:

got maybe some rain here and there. But, you know, barring

George Costa:

anymore, you know, three, four inches of rain like we just

George Costa:

got, um, um, you know, the rivers are going to take a couple days to get back into

George Costa:


Marvin Cash:

God. Did.

Marvin Cash:

Anything, uh, cool going on in the shop you want to share with

Marvin Cash:


George Costa:

Um, uh, not particularly.

Marvin Cash:

We're loaded up.

George Costa:

We definitely got a lot of inventory here ready for spring. We've

George Costa:

got a bunch of new fly patterns in, which are great. Um, um,

George Costa:

good week to really get caught up and get ready. You know, get those flies

George Costa:

tied for the, for the season here. You know, you can't fish. You might as well

George Costa:

tie some bugs and come in and check out the shop. Um, um, there's a

George Costa:

bunch of new, really cool new gear this year. Some really good new

George Costa:

rods to check out. The new Scott rods are awesome. Session

George Costa:

rods worth coming in and casting if you, if you haven't gotten a chance

George Costa:

to check those out yet. Those have been casting well for us. Um,

George Costa:

um, so, yeah, just, you know, loaded up, ready to go for the season.

Marvin Cash:

Yeah. And I know you were, uh, one of the few retailers actually got

Marvin Cash:

the hook up on the new Grundins too, right?

Marvin Cash:


George Costa:

We got the new Grundins waiters in here. So we got all three

George Costa:

models. You've got a low, um, medium and

George Costa:

high end grundants. They're worth checking out too. Another great

George Costa:

option in the, the waiter arena. We're excited to have that brand on

George Costa:


Marvin Cash:

Yeah. And I imagine to you, I think last time we spoke you

Marvin Cash:

were signing people up for learning to fly fish classes, right?

George Costa:

This is true as well. We've definitely got some good classes this spring.

George Costa:

All of our tco shops have a lot of good beginners classes,

George Costa:

more advanced classes with dry flies. We do a euro class

George Costa:

up here in state college. Um, if you're new to the

George Costa:

sport, you just listening to ol Marvin here on the podcast and

George Costa:

you're like, maybe I'll try fly fishing. We got some really good

George Costa:

beginners classes, um, throughout the spring and all of our locations.

George Costa:

So check out the website under the education tab,

George Costa:

and you can sign up for one of those classes to expand, uh,

George Costa:

your horizon. We'll say yes.

Marvin Cash:

We call that being fly curious.

George Costa:

Oh, I like that very much.

Marvin Cash:

Well, you know, folks, we love questions on the articulate fly.

Marvin Cash:

You can email them to us, dm us on social media, whatever is

Marvin Cash:

easiest for you. And if we use your question, I will send

Marvin Cash:

you some articulate fly swag. And George will enter in a drawing

Marvin Cash:

for some cool stuff from the shop. Then the season.

Marvin Cash:

And, George, before I, uh, let you get back to it,

Marvin Cash:

you want to let folks know hours and all that kind of good stuff.

George Costa:

Absolutely. Absolutely. So we are here in State college.

George Costa:

Tuesday, I'm sorry, Monday through Saturday, nine to

George Costa:

six, and Sunday's nine to three. All of our other

George Costa:

locations about the same hours. Uh, on the web

George Costa:


Marvin Cash:

Uh, well, there you go. Well, listen, folks, when the water drops,

Marvin Cash:

get out there and catch a few tight lines, everybody. Tight

Marvin Cash:

lines. George, take it easy, Mark.