June 27, 2024

S6, Ep 70: Hot Weather Fishing Tips and Techniques with Mac Brown

Join host Marvin Cash on The Articulate Fly for another engaging episode of Casting Angles with Mac Brown. In this episode, Mac shares his insights on fishing during the summer heat, emphasizing the benefits of targeting warmwater species like bass and bream when trout fishing conditions are less favorable. He discusses various techniques for line control and strike detection, which are essential skills that can be honed on stillwater and slow-moving waters during the warmer months.

Mac also delves into the importance of deliberate strike techniques and how practicing these on warmwater species can translate into more effective trout fishing. He highlights the significance of observing the water and adapting your approach based on the available food sources, such as minnows and dragonflies. Additionally, Mac shares tips on animating flies and the patience required to entice quality fish, particularly smallmouth bass.

Whether you're a seasoned angler or just getting started, this episode is packed with valuable tips and strategies to enhance your fishing experience. Tight lines!

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Marvin Cash:

Hey, folks, it's Marvin cash, the host of the articulate fly. We're



Marvin Cash:

back with another casting angles with Mac Brown. Mac, how are



Marvin Cash:




Marvin Cash:

I'm doing great. How you doing, Marvin?



Marvin Cash:

Uh, I'm just trying to stay cool. It's kind of funny. You were belly aching about



Marvin Cash:

how hot it is where you are, and it's at least 15 degrees cooler than



Marvin Cash:

where I am.



Marvin Cash:

Well, it's still hot for here, for this



Marvin Cash:

early in, well, late June,



Marvin Cash:

you know, early summer. We've been. We've seen



Marvin Cash:

some hot temperatures already the last couple weeks, but,



Marvin Cash:

yeah, hopefully it's going to be a big cool down coming up



Marvin Cash:

next week.



Marvin Cash:

Yeah, and it's interesting, you know, last time we were coaching



Marvin Cash:

people that this was coming, you know, the DH was



Marvin Cash:

over. It's getting warmer. You know, you're going to end



Marvin Cash:

up, you know, having to fish either early or late or head high up into



Marvin Cash:

the mountains or go chase warm water species. And we thought



Marvin Cash:

one of the things would be helpful for folks is, you know, a lot



Marvin Cash:

of people, uh, uh, are reluctant to go



Marvin Cash:

fish, like farm ponds and lakes for, like, bremen



Marvin Cash:

bass, um, um, because they're trout anglers,



Marvin Cash:

predominantly. Um, um, but there are a lot of things



Marvin Cash:

you can do fishing for bass and brem that,



Marvin Cash:

you know, give you good skill translation for when it cools off and you



Marvin Cash:

get back on the water again in the fall.



Marvin Cash:

That's right. Yeah. There's a lot of line control



Marvin Cash:

tricks and, and strike detection tricks. You can



Marvin Cash:

learn, you know, on stillwater or,



Marvin Cash:

like, little t is pretty slow moving



Marvin Cash:

water. A lot of those big, big pools, it's like you're



Marvin Cash:

barely moving this time of year because it's not a lot of water in



Marvin Cash:

them. So, um, yeah, so if you're



Marvin Cash:

subsurface fishing, you can do a lot of



Marvin Cash:

things for strike detection. You know, play around with



Marvin Cash:

different rod tip actions and line retrieval



Marvin Cash:

speeds with your hand and just watching the line,



Marvin Cash:

keeping the rod tip low to the water and watching the line where it has



Marvin Cash:

that little curve coming off from the rod tip



Marvin Cash:

to where it meets the water, you know, and detecting strikes



Marvin Cash:

from far out. You can, you can see



Marvin Cash:

it instantly on, on that section of the line. So you can practice a



Marvin Cash:

lot of these things on the brim and bass,



Marvin Cash:

and it'll. It'll correlate, you know, directly to your trout



Marvin Cash:

fishing as well. So it just gives you better,



Marvin Cash:

um, attention, I guess, to the small



Marvin Cash:

details for your trout fishing. That's. That's one of the



Marvin Cash:

main. There's a lot of tricks, but that's one of the



Marvin Cash:

best things, I think, on this time of year to play



Marvin Cash:

with warm water fish for that reason.



Marvin Cash:

Yeah, it's interesting, right? Because it's exactly like just coming back to



Marvin Cash:

euro nymph. Right. And so you're looking at how deep your fly is



Marvin Cash:

based on the angle of your line to the water,



Marvin Cash:

right? Uh, uh. And then, and then to your



Marvin Cash:

point, right. You can, um. Um.



Marvin Cash:

You know, if you, if you're watching that angle, when that



Marvin Cash:

angle changes, it probably means you've got a fish.



Marvin Cash:




Marvin Cash:

Yeah, that's it. And then you go ahead and go straight into



Marvin Cash:

reacting to that, you know, with your strike.



Marvin Cash:

Go uh, ahead and moving the rod and putting it on.



Marvin Cash:

And you can, you know, you can strike



Marvin Cash:

deliberately like that in a



Marvin Cash:

short motion to test it. And if it's not there, then just keep



Marvin Cash:

fishing it. So I mean, it's really good



Marvin Cash:

for becoming disciplined and,



Marvin Cash:

um, how to strike. Like you learn that on warm



Marvin Cash:

water as easy as you do with trout. And,



Marvin Cash:

um, that would really be beneficial just



Marvin Cash:

because I would say



Marvin Cash:

over the course of 40 years of guiding that most people strike



Marvin Cash:

on an emotional response more



Marvin Cash:

so than a human computer or thought process. You



Marvin Cash:

follow me? So, so it's just all an emotion. By saying that, it's



Marvin Cash:

like think about chimpanzee. Uh,



Marvin Cash:

there's a good book, the chimp paradox that Steve Peters put



Marvin Cash:

out. And it talks all about



Marvin Cash:

like when people fish on emotions, it's like,



Marvin Cash:

I think I got a strike. So what do they do? They just basically make a



Marvin Cash:

back cast and the whole setups flying the other direction 40,



Marvin Cash:

50ft. And it's like, that's totally emotional



Marvin Cash:

because that's not the way we would ever set the



Marvin Cash:

hook. Does that make sense? And I would say the majority of people that



Marvin Cash:

don't go enough, that's how they set the hook. Um,



Marvin Cash:

so you learn that on warm water, like what we're talking about,



Marvin Cash:

to be deliberate, but short. I mean, you could do a line strike



Marvin Cash:

using your lined hand, move the rod just 810 inches to check



Marvin Cash:

and see if it's there. And if it's not, you're still fishing. You didn't, you didn't



Marvin Cash:

put it in the air and make a back cast or



Marvin Cash:

worse, say the fish was on, but you struck



Marvin Cash:

emotionally and now everything's broke off. So it's like,



Marvin Cash:

it's a great, great training methodology



Marvin Cash:

for becoming deliberate. Using the human computer part of



Marvin Cash:

your mind to set the hook



Marvin Cash:

rather than emotional. Set the hook, you know?



Marvin Cash:

Yeah. And then, you know, we've talked in various episodes



Marvin Cash:

about how, you know, there are times when you want to dead



Marvin Cash:

drift, but there are times when you want to



Marvin Cash:

animate the fly. Right. We talked about cattus. You know, we've talked



Marvin Cash:

about you fishing with Davey. Um, and so one of.



Marvin Cash:

Yeah. And so one of the great things you can do, right, a very common



Marvin Cash:

thing, right, in the evening is to fish some kind of popper,



Marvin Cash:

right? And, you know, particularly even if you're on a river, you



Marvin Cash:

know, fishing some kind of popper, probably with some rubber legs on it



Marvin Cash:

for smallmouth and understanding,



Marvin Cash:

you know, you know, how to animate



Marvin Cash:

that fly. Um, um, not just to make it move any



Marvin Cash:

which way, but just to start to understand, like, if I do this with the



Marvin Cash:

rod or if I do this with the line, what does that do to the



Marvin Cash:

fly? And that's going to make you a. A



Marvin Cash:

way better streamer angler and a way better dry fly



Marvin Cash:

angler when you get back on the trout stream.



Marvin Cash:

Oh, yeah, absolutely. And also playing around



Marvin Cash:

with the, uh, patience game, you know, with



Marvin Cash:

smallmouth, a lot of times on the popper is you



Marvin Cash:

can animate it, and then during the pause, when it's



Marvin Cash:

back at drift and animate it. And then during the pause,



Marvin Cash:

it's easy for people to want to rush that whole



Marvin Cash:

process, you know? And then, okay, I'm going to make another cast.



Marvin Cash:

But if we animate and pause, we can leave it out there



Marvin Cash:

for a very long time until it actually gets something.



Marvin Cash:

And usually you'll find that the better quality



Marvin Cash:

smallmouth around here are



Marvin Cash:

usually when it's sitting there for quite a while after



Marvin Cash:

it's been animated. And I mean, like, up to 90 seconds,



Marvin Cash:

most people are, I want to rush that back in 15 and



Marvin Cash:

let's launch another task. But I'm saying the best quality



Marvin Cash:

fish that I've seen over the years, like, even



Marvin Cash:

with, like, hoppers and cicadas and things,



Marvin Cash:

is, is the ones that stay there a very long time in a



Marvin Cash:

fishy spot, and all of a sudden the water boils,



Marvin Cash:

you know, sometimes as long as two minutes of



Marvin Cash:

waiting. But people don't tend



Marvin Cash:

to wait a lot when they're. When, when you're trying to



Marvin Cash:

get them to wait, they're. They're usually trying to rush that process. And I'm like,



Marvin Cash:

no, keep fishing it. Let it stay.



Marvin Cash:

But, yeah, the better quality fish usually,



Marvin Cash:

usually happen during that long pause game.



Marvin Cash:

Also teaches you, too, to kind of reinforce that, being



Marvin Cash:

deliberate about your presentation. Right. So, you know,



Marvin Cash:

some of it is pause with slight movement. You know, if



Marvin Cash:

that doesn't work. You can start short strips, you know, if you're



Marvin Cash:

fishing sliders or something that's got an open face,



Marvin Cash:

you know, do you pop it and leave it alone, or do you pop, pop,



Marvin Cash:

pop? And so it's the same things that we do fishing for



Marvin Cash:

trout, just in a slightly different situation.



Marvin Cash:

But if you, if you get in that mindset, like, you know, if you've been fishing



Marvin Cash:

it one way for an hour and you haven't caught anything,



Marvin Cash:

you might want to try something different, right?



Marvin Cash:

Oh, yeah, no, that's, that'd be good. And it's like, yeah,



Marvin Cash:

there's a lot of great, great lessons, um,



Marvin Cash:

from, from the rivers and ponds and lakes, you know, that you



Marvin Cash:

can transfer back over. And Matt, Matt did a good post the



Marvin Cash:

other day, but, um, I think it's, it's



Marvin Cash:

spot on, you know, with these kind of temperatures.



Marvin Cash:

He posted that up in Michigan. I guess Michigan's been really hot, too.



Marvin Cash:

And, um, but, you know, it's, it's,



Marvin Cash:

it's okay to give, give trout a break when it gets hot. You



Marvin Cash:

know, I see it here all the time. People still



Marvin Cash:

pressuring a lot of the private stuff in north Georgia,



Marvin Cash:

and it's just like, it's too warm.



Marvin Cash:

It really is. When you have two weeks of 80, 90 degree



Marvin Cash:

temperatures, chances are you'd be better off to go warm



Marvin Cash:

water and let the trout, let the trout alone for a



Marvin Cash:

while, you know, because the mortality rate's going to go way up the next few



Marvin Cash:

weeks for trout. I just think it's an ethical thing to leave them



Marvin Cash:

alone, you know? Yeah.



Marvin Cash:

And I think, too, you know, you know, it may sound kind of



Marvin Cash:

complicated to say we'll try all sorts of different things that people don't know



Marvin Cash:

where to start, but, I mean, I think it comes back to stuff you and I have talked about



Marvin Cash:

a lot, right. Is observation. Right. And so if you're



Marvin Cash:

on a farm pond or a lake or river, like, what food do you



Marvin Cash:

see? Right. If you're putting the boat in and you see



Marvin Cash:

lots of minnows, maybe you need to, you know, fish a ck



Marvin Cash:

bait fish or a woolly booger. Right. If you see dragonflies, like,



Marvin Cash:

I mean, it's just, you know, the water is going to tell you, you



Marvin Cash:

know, what's there to be eaten.



Marvin Cash:




Marvin Cash:

Um, you know, ah, you know, the, the fish don't



Marvin Cash:

have uber eats. Right?



Marvin Cash:

That's right. Well, I like the dragonfly idea because I



Marvin Cash:

fish a lot of dragonflies this time of year. Um, um,



Marvin Cash:

as far as the nips and I fish a lot of them, you know, as a



Marvin Cash:

dry with extended foam bodies. I mean, I really



Marvin Cash:

enjoy fishing a lot of the dragonflies and



Marvin Cash:

warm water fisheries. And actually, even



Marvin Cash:

for trout, I mean, there's times a year, you know, you do. Well, if



Marvin Cash:

we were somewhere where the water's cooler, it's getting tough



Marvin Cash:

to find cool water right now.



Marvin Cash:

And so, yeah, the dragonfly is a really fun,



Marvin Cash:

fun pattern. You know, you really can't go wrong with



Marvin Cash:

dragonfly anywhere in the southeast on one water fishery



Marvin Cash:

right now.



Marvin Cash:

Yeah, so I would just say, you know, folks kind of take all that and, you



Marvin Cash:

know, don't let the hot water keep you off the water. I mean, one of the



Marvin Cash:

benefits of the summertime is you can fish either really early or really



Marvin Cash:

late and you can go do other stuff, you know, if you're on a family



Marvin Cash:

vacation or whatever, you know, it's not going to be like you get



Marvin Cash:

to go out and fish all day long. Um, so just all sorts



Marvin Cash:

of stuff that, um, you know, Mack and I thought you guys might find



Marvin Cash:

helpful. And I know, Mack, you're done with your schools



Marvin Cash:

until the fall, but I guess, you know, you're guiding regularly and you've



Marvin Cash:

got, you've got some spots left in some of your casting schools in the fall.



Marvin Cash:

You want to let folks know kind of where they can find you. So if



Marvin Cash:

they want to go down the river with you, they can do that or get a casting



Marvin Cash:

lesson or fill one of those, uh, class slots for



Marvin Cash:




Marvin Cash:

Yeah, that'd be good. It's a, uh, best way is at the



Marvin Cash:

URL. Mac brown fly fish. And then



Marvin Cash:

same name as far as on Instagram and Facebook.



Marvin Cash:

They can send a message on that, too. And that's



Marvin Cash:

probably the best, best way to reach me in the casting school, I



Marvin Cash:

think. September 17, I got two slots left in



Marvin Cash:

that still. So those will go probably the next



Marvin Cash:

couple weeks and then it'll be full. But, yeah,



Marvin Cash:

we're looking forward to that.



Marvin Cash:

Yeah, we've got all that stuff in the show notes. And, you know, folks, as I always



Marvin Cash:

say, you owe it to yourself to get out there and catch a few. Tight



Marvin Cash:

lines, everybody. Tight lines, Mac,



Marvin Cash:

tight lines.



Marvin Cash:







Mac Brown Profile Photo

Mac Brown

Guide | Casting Instructor | Author

Mac Brown is the owner of Mac Brown Fly Fish and Fly Fishing Guide School in Western NC. Mac created the first full-time fly fishing guide service in Western North Carolina. The first Delayed Harvest on the Upper Nantahala River in early 1993 was also a result of his efforts.

Mac Brown is the author of “Casting Angles” which is a fly casting handbook for those on the journey of understanding the mechanics of the cast. The ACA, FFI, and others have endorsed this text as a reference for instructors as well. Mac is a Master Casting Instructor through the Fly Fishers International.